Introduction to the principles of
Mass spectrometry analysis
LecturesAn introduction to the history of mass spectrometry and the basic principles by which it identifies the chemical composition of analytes.An introduction to the basic principles for quantitative mass spectrometry analysis of proteins. An introduction to data analysis with focus on mass spectrometry proteomics. Topics include data normalization, quality control, bias correction, clustering, and gene set enrichment analysis. Data integration and analysis. Standards for benchmarking quantification. An introduction to incorporating data reliability into analysis with a focus on errors-in-variables modeling and data analysis. Data analysis probelmsThe two probelms for the mass-spectromety module are listed below. Their solutions should be submitted to GitHub, and the links to the GitHub repositories submitted via blackboard or Slack. You may find this tutorial how to use GitHub useful. I recommend using GitHub as an introduction to version control and a learning experience that will be helpful for collaborating with others and sharing your code for published papers. The problems below intentially do not specify all details and parameters to leave space for your creativity. Use the freedom.